God’s Guide to a Victorious Life
READ | Proverbs 3:5-6
A compass indicates four points of north, south, east, and west. All are necessary for finding direction in the physical world. For guidance in living the Christian life, Proverbs chapter 3:5-6 also gives four points. The first point is trust God. James chapter 1:17 states He deserves your complete confidence because He alone does not change. Second, do not rely on your own understanding. The human mind has limited comprehension. Only God is all-knowing. Hebrews 4:13 shows us that every thought and motive is visible to Him. There is nothing that He doesn’t see. The next point in trusting God is to acknowledge Him in all your ways. As the Maker and Savior of all mankind, God has the right to plan every life. He knits each person together in the womb. He provides redemption through His Son Jesus Christ. God gives spiritual gifts to be used on His behalf. Just as a child will look to his father for help, believers are to include their heavenly Father in everything. Success may tempt people to feel proud. But, Christians must guard against this thinking because it can lead you in a harmful direction. God promises to make your paths straight. Spiritually, the direct route is easier to travel and requires less time. But it is not obstacle-free. As you follow the first three directional signs, the Father will work on your behalf to overcome barriers along the way. Will you follow God’s spiritual compass and trust Him wholeheartedly? As you reject self-reliance and acknowledge dependence upon Him, you will stay on the straight path of godliness। Taken from: In Touch Ministries
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