Daily Devotional

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Awesome Privilege of Prayer

READ | 1 John 5:11-15

Something amazing happens when we reach out to our Father through prayer. We enter into God’s presence and can access His power on behalf of a lost, hurting world. Jesus Christ made it possible for us to have communion with the Father. All of us inherited a sin nature through the first man, Adam. We’ve been separated since birth from holy God. Our sin nature placed us under a death sentence with no appeal. To give us access to Himself, God sacrificed His Son Jesus. God counted His death as payment for our sins. When we make a commitment to Christ by receiving Him as our personal Savior, our sins are no longer counted against us. In God’s “accounting books,” our transgressions have been transferred to the Lord. His righteousness is credited to us. John chapter 14:13 says with our sins forgiven, we have a new position in Christ. We are free to approach God with the confidence that He will hear and answer our prayers. The One who listens to our prayers also has the power to answer them. His authority is unlimited. Job chapter 42:2 confirms no individual or government is mightier. No one can stop His plans. Through Jesus’ life, we see God’s absolute power over nature, disease, and man’s plans. After the Savior’s death, God used His divine power to resurrect Jesus and bring Him to heaven. This same power is available to us when we pray. Prayer is a key spiritual discipline in the Christian life and an awesome privilege. It opens the door for us to approach God and involve Him in our lives.

Take from: In Touch Ministries

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