Jesus knew the importance of harmony both in the church and in believers’ personal lives. In one of His last recorded prayers, He asked the Father three times for unity among Christians (John 17:11, 21-22).
In today’s passage, Paul teaches that there are several aspects to our unity as believers:
• One body. God adopts people into His family without regard for race, gender, or denomination. Faith in Jesus Christ is all that matters. Everything that divides human beings is insignificant (Galatians 3:28).
• One Spirit. All Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. We’re different on the outside, but as believers, we all have the third member of the Trinity inside to empower and guide us.
• One hope. As believers, we share in a common hope—the return of the Messiah and a future life in heaven with Him.
• One Lord. Jesus’ lordship extends over all people. We are to acknowledge and submit to His authority in every area.
• One faith. Believers are united in one faith, which is founded on several basic truths: Jesus is God incarnate; born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life, died in our place, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Reconciliation with God is possible only through faith in the saving work of Christ. We can do nothing to earn our own salvation.
By learning to see what we have in common, we can more easily overlook differences. Seeing our unity, people will be ready to hear the good news that God offers a way to have peace with Him and with others.
In a music industry cluttered with throw away pop that gets forgotten in mere nanoseconds, rare indeed are artists who go against the grain and stand for music that has lasting value.
And the Katinas are as rare as they come.
With a lifetime of making music as a tight-knit family, this quintet of brothers - without question the premier vocal group in Christian music - have taken the road less traveled with the aptly named Timeless, a carefully chosen collection of classic Christian songs that have informed and inspired them, all updated with modern arrangements and the Katinas' singularly unique melodic and vocal style.
But Timeless - which includes tracks penned by the likes of Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Andrae Crouch, Keith Green, and Randy Stonehill (who wrote the first single, "Shut De Do") - is way more than a tribute to the pioneers of Christian music. For the Katinas, it's a musical timeline that literally traces their faith journeys as individuals, as brothers, and as a band.
"We grew up listening to these artists," says James. "We lived in American Samoa, 2,000 miles south of Hawaii, so the only way we could keep up with what was happening in Christian music at that time was through the cassettes and records our cousins mailed us from the states. That's how we discovered these songs; they're the reason for our love of music."
Choosing the tunes wasn't a walk in the park, though. One might assume that a final lineup with the likes of Green's "Your Love Broke Through" and Crouch's "My Tribute" was easily attained, but the fellas started with more than 100 songs in the hopper. "There are so many great ones in Christian music," Joe notes. "We'd have five to 10 meetings on just one song choice."
"It was a long process, but it was worth it," James adds. "We're excited - we feel that the Christian music lover and audience is ready for a record like this."
And with production handled and overseen by longtime studio vet Brown Bannister, the Katinas assured themselves that Timeless would contain a voice and vision that not only spans the decades but also is filled with power and uncanny consistency despite the disparate material.
"He's probably the most decorated producer in our industry;" says John. "We have experience under our belts too, but what Brown brings to the table in terms of stability and wisdom is priceless. This is the best work we've done so far, and Brown is a big reason why - he's great at making sense out of everything and pulling out the best performances from each of us. And when you have five brothers in a band, often with five different ideas, you need someone to be a sounding board - and Brown was the guy."
"When we put our stamps on these songs, the credit goes to Brown and [coproducer] Dan Needham for keeping the reigns on and still encouraging our creativity," says James. "The result is exactly what we wanted to accomplish - our best record with our most cohesive sound."
In keeping with the Katinas road-less-traveled outlook, one of the first tunes they chose for Timeless isn't actually part of the Christian music canon - "Living Years" by Mike & The Mechanics.
"It's not a blatant Christian song," Joe says. "But it was the first or second one picked - when we decided on the concept for this album, 'Living Years' was an immediate choice." With its well-known lyrical plea for people at odds with each other - especially family members - to forgive and patch up differences before death comes, "Living Years" addresses age-old issues that the Katinas have observed not only in their fans' lives but also in their own.
"As we travel, we're seeing the hurt and pain in peoples' lives that stem from family relationships," Joe continues. "And as we get older, we find ourselves going to more funerals and hearing about more deaths, so we just couldn't do this record without addressing this issue." But "Living Years" speaks even more loudly to the Katinas' relationship with their dad.
"Our dad was a strict disciplinarian when we were growing up; it was a relationship born out of fear," Joe notes. "And when our mom died in 1988, there was a huge vacuum between us and our dad. We know that he has regrets, but we also know he did the best he could. In 1993 restoration and healing began - but it's still not always the easiest thing.
"So it taught all of us - because we're all husbands now - that we need to keep communication open between us and our loved ones as much as we can. We never had that growing up, so we want to make sure our kids and our wives get it from us. Like the song says, 'Say it loud, say it clear,' and do it while you're alive. It's a message we hope that future generations will continue to carry."
Another tune not found in the canon of classic Christian music (because it's a brand new tune the Katinas wrote with coproducer Dan Needham toward the end of the recording process) is "Lifetime."
"We were wanting a more up-tempo track," Jesse explains, "and we also felt like we needed to say something from our own hearts as a response to all these great songs, and 'Lifetime' really reflects the album's concept of spiritual longevity and deep purpose."
And even as the band traced their spiritual journeys during the final song selection process, the experience of recording the tracks showed took things to even deeper levels of realization and breakthrough.
"We first heard many of these songs when we were really young," says youngest brother Jesse, who sings lead along with John. "When you're younger, you get a sense of the melody, but you don't pay as much attention to the lyrics because you're not at a place in your life where you can relate to them as well. So it wasn't until we actually got into the studio to work on our own versions that we really appreciated what the songs were saying lyrically.
For instance, Amy Grant's 'Arms of Love' was really familiar to all of us, but it wasn't until I dove into the lyrics and tried to wring the emotion out of the words and the vocals that I fully appreciated the song. And when you read the lyrics for these songs back to back to back, you understand how powerful they still are."
Joe couldn't agree more: "When you're a kid, the world is awesome. But then you grow up, you go through things, and you can get jaded about life. So recording these songs reminded us how we used to look at life and music, about how much fun it can be, and the love we've shared-but I'm mostly reminded of God's love.
"Through all the good and bad things we've experienced, the challenges, God's love brought us through every single thing."
The idea of living forever has great appeal, especially if there is a guarantee of joy, health, and security. Revelation 21:4 presents such a picture of the believer’s condition after death. Because everyone’s spirit will exist in one of two places after this present life, where we spend eternity is an important consideration.
Heaven, God’s dwelling place, is open to everyone whose sins have been forgiven through the atoning work of Jesus. At salvation, God credits Christ’s righteousness to our “account” and adopts us into His family. His home becomes ours. Jesus Himself said He was going to prepare a place in heaven for all who believe in Him (John 14:2).
However, if we refuse God’s invitation to have a relationship with Him through His Son, we remain in our sinful state and will be separated from Him forever. Holy God won’t allow sinful man into His presence or His heavenly home. Instead, those who reject Christ will go to a place of suffering and torment, permanently isolated from God and His goodness. This state is called eternal death.
Many people are ignoring this crucial subject. Young people as well as men and women in their middle or later years often dislike the topic of dying and prefer not to think about eternity. However, to be with God in heaven requires faith in Jesus.
A non-decision is really a decision—and an unwise one at that. By doing nothing, people face everlasting separation from God. Let these truths about eternal life and death fuel your prayers and actions.